Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We are moving!!

Hey all,

just wanted to drop a line telling you of my impending move. No, I'm not physically moving, but my blog is! I'm just about ready to pull the curtain on the new, improved monkeyminionpress.com! That's where I'll be blogging from now on. I've changed the site over to a wordpress-based system that I can update with galleries and pics and a blog. Head on over and check it out!


Monday, February 9, 2009

Portlander Artists! Draw Night 2/11/09

Hey all,

This wednesday is Draw night here in Portland!

What is Draw Night, you ask? Well, Draw Night is a night where artists of all shapes, styles and kinds can break away from their drawing tables and venture out into the big, scary world to socialize and talk with others of their kind.

Here in PDX, we do it every SECOND Wednesday of the month at Hillsdale Brewery and Public House


Questions? Post them here!